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What is a smart kegel trainer?

Scientific Review
Paul Grandemange, Physical Therapist Specializing in Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation

As a new mom or someone with urinary leaks, you may have heard the term “kegel trainers“. Wondering what it is all about? Don’t worry, we will tell you all about them.

In this article, you will find all the answers to your questions aboutsmart kegel trainers. What is a smart kegel trainer? How does it work? Why make it a part of your everyday life? How to use this trainer at home? How to perform pelvic floor rehabilitation exercises with this device? and finally, a quick recap on why to train your pelvic floor.

What is a Smart kegel trainer ?

A smart kegel trainer is a medical device used to maintain the health of the pelvic floor, and especially to (re)strengthen it. The pelvic floor refers to the group of muscles, located between the pubic bone and the coccyx.

A kegel trainer is a small intra vaginal device used to perform targeted exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor. Easy to use at home, it helps maintain the pelvic floor in shape. This device is also used in post partum pelvic floor rehabilitation following childbirth.

A smart connected kegel trainer generally consists of two parts. First, a sensor that detects contractions of the pelvic floor muscles. Second, a Bluetooth transmitter sends the contraction values to the mobile application.

In the Emy smart kegel trainer, the information collected is then converted into images on your smartphone screen. With these concrete visualizations, you can effectively train your pelvic floor at home. Thanks to this ‘biofeedback’, you can effectively train your pelvic floor from the comfort of your home.

How does a smart kegel trainer work?

Just above, we mentioned that the Emy smart kegel trainer uses the principle of biofeedback. But what is that?

The Biofeedback principle

Thanks to ‘biofeedback’ you manage the contractions of your pelvic floor yourself. You learn to control it effectively, and truly play an active role in the rehabilitation of your pelvic floor.

Like an ultrasound machine, Emy smart kegel trainer is fitted with patented technology for capturing contractions. It can inform you in real time about your muscle activity and the effectiveness of your exercises.

Most often, a trainer like Emy can be used while doing your kegels. By performing them correctly, you naturally stimulate and strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor, so that they gain tone.

As you can even really the muscle contractions on your smartphone screen. This feedback informs you in real time about your performance, helping you adjust your exercises according to your needs. By providing immediate feedback, a biofeedback probe offers more control and precision.

Train your pelvic floor now

Why use a smart kegel trainer in everyday life?

Now, let’s look at the reasons for using a biofeedback based smart kegel trainer on a daily basis.

To prevent diseases and dysfunctions of the pelvic floor

First of all, it is important to maintain good hygiene and good muscle tone in general. This is obviously the case for the pelvic floor, which supports the viscera and strengthens the anal rectal, vaginal, and urinary area.

Just like any other muscle group, strengthening is key. This is why using a biofeedback probe can be very helpful. This smart kegel trainer helps strengthen the pelvic floor muscles as part of home rehabilitation. A healthy pelvic floor allows you to :

  • Limit or prevent urinary leaks and also the risks of tearing during childbirth
  • Reduce pelvic pain
  • Improve your intimate life while facilitating increased pleasure sensations
  • Prevent the risk of Pelvic Organ Prolapse
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Generally, PTs and other pelvic floor specialists recommend strengthening the pelvic floor throughout life. Even after menopause or if you have never experienced pregnancy, it is important to tone your pelvic floor. Infact, the risks of prolapse increase significantly with age.

Likewise, activities involving impacts or heavy lifting also exacerbate pelvic weakening. A toned pelvic floor will reduce the risks of prolapseand all resulting disorders.

How to use the Emy smart kegel trainer?

Emy is a biofeedback based pelvic floor trainer that is used in conjunction with a mobile application. Through intravaginal use, this pelvic floor probe is intended exclusively for women.

Furthermore, its use is very simple. The application offers you mini-games aimed at contracting the pelvic floor by varying rhythms and intensities during the session. This allows you to work on the tone of your pelvic region in a fun way.

This approach is particularly interesting in the context of pelvic floor rehabilitation following pregnancy and childbirth. Indeed, pregnancy is itself quite traumatic for the pelvic floor. Supporting the weight of the trunk, it is subjected to harsh conditions for many months. Thus, the perineum needs to be pampered after both vaginal and cesarean deliveries.

Learn more about Emy

Tips for using Emy,the smart kegel trainer by Fizimed

First and foremost, it is important to use your Emy correctly to achieve satisfactory results and, above all, to perform your sessions safely.

Let’s get to the practice. When you receive the probe, connect it to the application on your smartphone via Bluetooth.

Then, answer a quick questionnaire on the application. It is useful to understand the state of your pelvic floor and your objectives. It also helps to choose the most suitable training program for your needs.

Next, before starting a session, make sure the probe and your hands are perfectly clean. Then open the application and insert the Emy into your vagina. To do this, sit comfortably and use lubricant if necessary.

Whether sitting, lying down, or standing: make sure you are in the best conditions. Finally, you can start your session. Play the mini-games offered and follow the advice and instructions directly on your smartphone to perform your pelvic floor exercises.

Is it difficult to use the Emy smart kegel trainer?

As you have seen, it is relatively easy to use Emy. It will effectively assist you in performing exercises adapted to your level.

Based on your questionnaire responses, Emy will suggest specific muscle contractions, and even breathing techniques. Emy will also capture each contraction of your pelvic floor, providing precise monitoring of your progress. For better control of the pelvic floor, it will then adjust its advice according to your progress.

Why train your pelvic floor?

What is pelvic floor training?

Pelvic floor training consists of a series of exercises and massages that promote healing of the perineum after childbirth. It also helps prevent urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse.

Most often, pelvic floor rehabilitation programs start six weeks after childbirth. Generally, it is recommended to wait until any stitches have dissolved and the wound has completely healed.

In this context, a pelvic floor rehabilitation probe allows these exercises to be carried out more effectively and precisely. In addition, the mobile application helps track your progress by recording your contractions, their intensity, and duration.

When to do pelvic floor training?

It depends on several factors.

In particular, if you had a difficult childbirth, it’s better to start pelvic floor rehabilitation, as soon as possible. This is the case after an episiotomy or the use of forceps, for example. However, in general, professionals recommend not practicing pelvic floor training during the first 6 weeks following childbirth to avoid causing too much discomfort.

How often and how frequently should one use a smart kegel trainer?

It depends on the intensity of your program and the goals you set for yourself.

Generally, it is recommended to use the Emy once a day, several times a week. And the duration of each session should be between 5 and 20 minutes.

Also, don’t forget that discipline is key! You won’t see results if you work diligently for a few days and then don’t do any sessions for a long time. It’s better to prioritize short sessions several times a week.

Lifestyle changes for your pelvic floor

Want to improve the health of your perineum? A balanced and nutritious diet, regular physical activity, and proactive measures to address any specific needs are excellent ways to start.

Eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables ensures you get the vitamins and nutrients needed for good health. In addition, physical exercise will also help maintain your pelvic floor in good shape. Taking walks or joining fitness classes: choose your activity! And finally, remember to strengthen your pelvic floor daily.

Doing yoga to strengthen your Pelvic floor

Yoga is another excellent way to improve the health of your perineum. It strengthens and tones the muscles of the pelvic floor, which helps to better control the bladder. Various poses, such as mula bandha and kundalini yoga, specifically target the pelvic floor.

Of course, you should respect your body: only practice poses that are comfortable for you.

Furthermore, some yogic breathing techniques are great for relaxing the pelvic floor, while reducing stress and anxiety. On the Emy app, you will find yoga and sports sessions adapted to maintain the perineum.

Kegel Exercises: What are Kegel exercises?

Then, Kegel exercises are both simple and effective. You can do them independently to strengthen the muscles of your pelvic floor.

They consist of contracting the muscles around the bladder, vagina, and anus, and then releasing them after a certain duration. Regular sessions improve the support of the pelvic organs and bladder control. Yoni eggs are also a very good way to promote your pelvic floo health.

The Pelvic floor and Urinary Leaks

Finally, some people suffer from a particular chronic condition, such as problems with incontinence and urinary leaks. In this case, it is necessary to consult a healthcare professional. They will then recommend special exercises, medications, or other appropriate treatments.

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Find out how to strengthen your pelvic floor to prevent bladder weakness and improve intimate pleasure! 💥


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