relations sexuelles et incontinence

Having Sexual intercourse with Prolapse – Expert advice from an OB/GYN

Scientific review
Dr Marine Lallemant, Head of Department, Gynecology and Obstetrics at the University Hospitals of Besançon

Pelvic organ prolapse and urinary incontinence are more common conditions than one might think. In US, over 3 million women suffer from urinary leaks! So, how can one maintain a fulfilling sex life in these situations? Can you have sex with prolapse? Let’s learn more about it .

How to Maintain a Thriving Sexuality with Prolapse?

Dr. Marine Lallemant, Head of department obstetrics and gynecology at University Hospitals of Besançon, France specialized in pelvic floor disorders, provides us with advice and reflection points to continue to thrive sexually and engage in sexual activities when dealing with pelvic organ prolapse or urinary leaks.

Impact of prolapse on sexuality

Prolapse and urinary incontinence can lead to urinary leaks or pain during sexual intercourse, impacting our sex life. These symptoms can affect your emotional state (nervousness, depression, etc.). Sex during Prolapse can be tricky.

You may experience a decrease in sexual desire and a reduction in the number and quality of orgasms during sexual intercourse with your partner. Intercourse can be limited by the bulge in the vagina (in the case of prolapse) or by the fear of pain or urinary leakage.

Patients sometimes express a fear of engaging in sexual intercourse. A feeling of frustration, guilt, or shame during intercourse can also develop. It can thus become challenging to thrive sexually when dealing with pelvic organ prolapse or urinary incontinence.

What is female sexual response?

Before we talk about sex during prolapse, let’s learn about the human sexual response. It is a cycle of four phases:

  • Excitement
  • Pleasure ( plateau)
  • Orgasm ( not always achieved)
  • Resolution
woman having better orgasms thanks to her strong perineum

Contrary to men, a woman can have multiple orgasms as there is no refractory period.

Can you have sex with prolapse?

Of course, you can have sex even if you suffer from organ prolapse. However, in cases of prolapse and/or urinary incontinence, each phase of the sexual response may be altered. Vaginal penetration is not obligatory to feel pleasure.

Indeed, the key organ is the clitoris. Under arousal, it fills with blood and becomes erect. Whether through direct or indirect stimulation (through the walls of the vagina), orgasm is achieved via the clitoris.

supportive partners holding hands

A sexual relationship that brings satisfaction is not only about achieving an orgasm. The feeling of complicity, sharing, tenderness, and sensuality are key elements of pleasure.

A piece of advice: free yourself from the burden of performance. You can still have sex and enjoy it, even if you have organ prolapse!

Sexuality and prolapse: a partner’s perspective

Some patients report a decrease in desire or erectile dysfunction in their partner who sees a bulge near the vagina or other symptoms. Other partners declare feeling frustration due to a loss of sensation during penetration caused by a lack of pelvic floor musle tone.

With age, sexual dysfunctions in partners can also impair the quality of sexual life in a couple.

How to improve your sexuality with organ prolapse?

Several solutions are available if you want to improve sex with prolapse.

Consulting with a Specialist and Talking About It

The first solution is to go for a consultation alone or even better, as a couple to destigmatize the situation and break the taboo surrounding pelvic organ prolapse or incontinence. These symptoms are not dirty. It is possible to discuss them with a sexologist or psychologist.

Taking Time for Foreplay

To regain desire or enhance arousal, it is important to focus on foreplay (caresses, massages…). Vaginal penetration is absolutely not contraindicated in case of prolapse.

In case of vaginal dryness, there are water-based or hormonal gels to facilitate lubrication. Some pessaries are also compatible with penetrative sexual intercourse.

Strengthening the Pelvic Floor to Regain Confidence

It will also be important to do a pelvic assessment to understand the origin of the symptoms. In a large majority of cases, pelvic floor rehabilitation to strengthen the pelvic floor with a healthcare professional is beneficial.

Alternating and/or for home maintenance, you can also use the Emy kegel trainer to strengthen your pelvic floor. It allows you to do the same exercises as with the healthcare professional but offers the flexibility to do them at home.

Emy for pelvic floor training

Toning the Pelvic Floor to Reduce Prolapse Symptoms

The Emy probe is connected to a mobile application where evolving mini-games help strengthen the pelvic floor as a whole. This medical device captures pelvic floor contractions and thanks to its innovative biofeedback technology, you can see your effort in real time on the application.

This is a fun solution that I recommend to my patients. It allows women to stay motivated over time and, above all, to track their progress over time.

The advantage is that the size and shape of the Emy kegel allows it to be used by all women, regardless of their morphology.

Furthermore, it can be used in various positions, including standing, which allows rehabilitation in situations that are closer to real life. All health professionals agree that the Emy probe makes daily life easier and improves women’s health!

pelvic floor

Free Pelvic floor guide

Find out how to strengthen your pelvic floor to prevent bladder weakness and improve intimate pleasure! 💥


How to make love after an organ descent?

Finally, here are 7 tips to apply to make intercourse easier if you have a prolapse:

🚽 Empty your bladder and bowels before each intercourse

💋 Do not underestimate the importance of foreplay

🛌 Prefer lying positions where your pelvis is elevated

⏳ Take your time and adjust the pace of your pelvic movements

🫶 Communicate as much as possible with your partner

💦 Do not hesitate to use lubricant

💪 Do pelvic rehabilitation sessions to strengthen your pelvic floor and improve your intimate comfort

Advice for women

Talk to your doctor and don’t wait! Early treatment will help avoid complications. You will improve your quality of life, regain confidence in yourself, and quickly rediscover a fulfilling sex life.”

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