sport et sonde périnéale

Why use kegel training devices?

Scientific review
Paul Grandemange, Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist

Pelvic pain, incontinence, pregnancy, childbirth, prolapse… Use a kegel training device, train your pelvic floor at home!

Why use kegel training devices for pelvic floor rehabilitation?

5% of the population suffers from urinary and/or fecal incontinence. These issues affect women more than men – especially for anatomical reasons. Although they often increase with age and following traumatic events, these discomforts are not inevitable!But, did you know regular and effective pelvic floor training could be enough to solve this problem for a large number of women who are affected by this

A stronger and more toned pelvic floor means better control of the sphincters. And therefore, less risk of urinary leaks, anal incontinence, or even pelvic orgal prolapse So, how to succeed in pelvic floor rehabilitation, preferably at home? With the help of a kegel training device, women are more autonomous and comfortable during the process.

A kegel trainer is a medical device that allows for pelvic floor rehabilitation at home with ease. With sessions of about 15 minutes a day, women strengthen their pelvic floor with minimal constraints.

And what if thekegel trainer was THE solution to effectively, comfortably, and playfully strengthen your pelvic floor? To succeed in your postpartum rehabilitation or your pelvic muscle training sessions, it will help you optimize your exercises.

When to use a kegel training device at home?

Kege trainers are medical devices that help fight against the symptoms of pelvic floor disorders. They are particularly useful for women in the postpartum period who need to undergo pelvic floor rehabilitation. With a biofeedback based kegel trainer to strengthen the pelvic floor, they can then do their pelvic contraction exercises at home. But in reality, any woman could benefit from it!

Relieve pelvic pain

A kegel trainer can help relieve pelvic pain. More or less intense and recurrent, they can occur potentially at any age and generate a real feeling of discomfort.

To ease these pains, it is possible to use a connected kegel training devices at home. Simply insert it into the vagina and perform contractions following the advice and instructions of the application. This is what Fizimed offers with the Emy probe.

Ideally, practice sessions of 10 to 15 minutes per day. In the meantime, let your pelvic floor rest. And in case of persistent pain, it is better to consult a healthcare professional.

Strengthening the pelvic floor

Next, you can also rely on this kegel training device to train the pelvic floor. Easy to use, this great accessory allows you to work the pelvic floor at home independently. Start with sessions of 10 minutes and gradually increase the duration. Thanks to specific exercise programs designed by a physiotherapist, the connected kegel training device will bring you quick results. Of course, make sure to read the instructions carefully before starting.

Train your pelvic floor now

Train your pelvic floor

Then, there is also pelvic floor training. Possible at any age, it is essential postpartum. But also after an organ prolapse, trauma in the pelvic area, or in case of incontinence. The goal is then to maintain the pelvic floor muscles in place.

One option for pelvic floor training is to perform contractions on a biofeedback probe. The device will transmit the signals received to the application and adjust the instructions on the smartphone screen. This is what the Emy kegel training device does . Once again, follow the instructions manual carefully.

Using a kegel training device postpartum

Finally, a kegel trainer can be useful in helping to restore the pelvic floor after childbirth. During pregnancy and childbirth, the pelvic floor undergoes trauma and therefore requires reeducation afterwards.

The pelvic floor is a very important set of muscles that supports the genital and visceral organs in women. Poor postpartum reeducation can lead to discomfort, or even organ prolapse later on. Hence the importance of good pelvic floor reeducation (at home) with a probe.

It will involve several sessions aiming to contract the pelvic muscles to reaccustom them to daily movements. The pelvic floor will thus gain strength, stability, and flexibility. These exercises also help reduce discomfort associated with tearing or episiotomy during childbirth.

The 5 advantages of pelvic floor biofeedback probes for rehabilitation

Now, let’s look at the main benefits of kegel training devices. These medical devices produced to help strengthen the pelvic floorcan:

1. Help with postpartum fitness

Firstly, if you have just given birth, a kegel training device promotes faster recovery of your pelvic floor.

By combining your rehabilitation with a probe to strengthen the pelvic floor, you will regain your pre-pregnancy shape more quickly. And you will be able to resume your daily activities normally.

Through these exercises, you will also have a better understanding of your pelvic floor.

Woman with baby during postpartum recovery

2. Reduce the risk of urinary leaks

Secondly, a kegel training device can also improve control of urinary leaks.

Unfortunately, the risk of developing urinary leaks increases with age. Indeed, throughout a woman’s life, the pelvic floor undergoes many micro and macro traumas. These events gradually weaken it, reducing its effectiveness. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen thepelvic floor to better control the bladder.

At this level, a home kegel trainer proves to be extremely useful. It helps you strengthen your pelvic floor and free yourself from this constraint.

pelvic floor

Free Pelvic floor guide

Find out how to strengthen your pelvic floor to prevent bladder weakness and improve intimate pleasure! 💥


3. Reduce the risk of organ prolapse

Thirdly, a connected pelvic floor trainer can also reduce the risk of organ prolapse.

Indeed, an unhealthy pelvic floor is an additional risk of sudden organ prolapse. By using a probe to strengthen your pelvic floor, you help reduce the symptoms of prolapse.

4. Relieve pelvic pain

Then, the kegel training device is also a good tool to reduce pelvic pain. In general, but also during childbirth. This allows you to focus on the work and breathe better.

In addition, pelvic strengthening can potentially alleviate menstrual pain and discomfort.

5.     Improving Sexual Health

Finally, using a kegel training can even help improve your sex life with your partner. Feeling discomfort or pelvic pain during intercourse can indeed be a sign of poor pelvic health. It is therefore advisable to strengthen your pelvic floor to eliminate this sensation and have a more fulfilling sex life.

Why Use the Emy kegel training device from Fizimed?

Now, learn more about the Emy kegel trainer for pelvic floor training at home. Fizimed has developed this tool for all those interested in their pelvic health. Ergonomic and fun, the connected Emy will provide you with valuable information about how your pelvic floor works.

Emy: a Biofeedback Probe Connected to an Application

An Emy kegel training device that has only an analytical role, and that forces you to work on your pelvic floor yourself.

More specifically, the Emy kegel trainer. With only an analytical role, it forces you to work on your pelvic floor yourself. Unlike an electrostimulator that sends micro impulses to the pelvic muscles.

Very practical and accessible, the Emy kegel trainer is also connected to a mobile application. This way, you perform your exercises in the form of interactive mini-games. This encourages you to contract your pelvic floorin different ways and to progress in the game.

The application also allows you to track your progress and store all your data in a safe place. Of course, you can access it at any time.

An application tailored to your needs

Then, the Emy kegel training device is a practical and safe way to tone your pelvic floor. It allows you to train safely and at your own pace. And for faster results, the application even offers a tailored training program. Whether for postpartum rehabilitation or simply to strengthen your pelvic floor: choose the one that suits you.

A kegel training device to strengthen your pelvic floor at home

Finally, the Emy is a great option for women who want to avoid traveling. Usable at home and easily transportable in its small sterile case, it avoids the need to visit a healthcare professional.

product size emy in a hand

Just make sure to read the instructions carefully for correct and safe use.

Learn more about Emy

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