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Using Kegel Trainers to train your pelvic floor

Scientific Review
Paul Grandemange, Physical Therapist Specializing in Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation

In the article, Paul would like to tell us about using kegel trainers for pelvic floor training.

Pelvic floor training with a device: my expert opinion

As you may know, the management of this area requires a global approach for the patient. We often refer to it as abdomino-pelvic rehabilitation which takes into account the entire abdomen.

The importance of pelvic floor rehabilitation

But more specifically, pelvic floor rehabilitation is essential to prevent and treat many disorders in women such as:

The most important aspect of pelvic floor rehabilitation is that, to be effective, it must be done regularly and in a targeted manner. And this is where the Emy biofeedback trainer brings real added value.

Biofeedback based rehabilitation

Biofeedback which I use in the clinic, is one technique among many that allows for well-conducted treatment. However, in the clinic, it requires a special organization if we want to do everything possible to offer the best treatment to our patients.

Why choose the Emy kegel trainer ?

The Emy app is a functionality dedicated to healthcare professionals so that we can create customized exercise protocols for each of our patients.

It is the only the only connected kegel trainer that offers this feature, and in my opinion, it allows for more targeted and effective at-home work.

And the most important thing for me is the clinical validity of the Emy solution. The fact that it is the only trainer whose efficacy has been tested and proven in real conditions on patients.

And of course, the fact that the therapeutic protocols used by Emy are the same as those I use for the pelvic floor of my patients in the office. This is a sign of great quality assurance in my eyes as a pelvic floor physical therapist.

Emy for pelvic floor training

What are the advantages of the Emy kegel trainer?

A shape adapted to all women

Its short and slightly tapered shape allows to target and effectively work the pelvic muscles. In addition, the Emy kegel trainer captures pelvic floor contractions over the entire surface of the probe at 360°.

The very high sensitivity of the device even allows to detect very low-intensity pelvic floor contractions. This is especially useful for my patients with very relaxed pelvic floor and whose perineal tone is often very weak at the beginning of rehabilitation.

And also, what I really appreciate is that regardless of the morphology of the patients, the Emy perineal probe adapts to all types of vaginas.

Simple and fun to use

Regarding use, the rechargeable probe connects via Bluetooth directly to the smartphone for real biofeedback work. The exercises, based on medical protocols, are thus adjusted in real time according to the contractions detected.

In my practice, after a personalized assessment, I can schedule customized exercise sessions for my patients through the dedicated application. This app offers various environments, from medical to fun, with the aim of diversifying training sessions.

One of the main advantages of the Emy probe compared to other probes is that it allows for standing work. This helps to solicit the pelvic floor in a more functional way, closer to the efforts it must provide daily to support our pelvic organs.

The big plus? My patients can then continue their rehabilitation at home, varying positions and exercising in complete autonomy.

The Emy application

Even though you can discover the application without the device, it’s with it that you understand the subtlety of the exercises, and of course where you can have visual control over the strength and execution of contractions. Krystyna, a fellow pelvic floor physical therapists explains the Emy App here

The device is just an additional aid, only a therapist, physiotherapist or midwife, can ensure that your pelvic contraction is competent and complete. In fact, no application or device can ever tell you with certainty if you are performing a poor contraction. Only a human can.

What I also appreciate a lot about the Emy application is that reminders can be set so as not to forget the sessions. Additionally, there is a dedicated space for tracking training progress and intimate symptoms that I use very often with my patients.

The Emy application also offers numerous high-quality medical content created by experts such as videos, articles, podcasts… to better understand your body and intimacy. Sport and yoga programs that respect and take care of your pelvic floor are also available.

Test the Emy App for free

Emy Kegel Trainer: Tested and Approved!

The Fizimed team listens to pelvic rehabilitation professionals. They constantly evolve their product and application to best meet our needs.

This innovative and fun solution allows for real strengthening of pelvic muscles and long-term reduction of urinary leaks.

Easy to maintain, this European-made device is designed for long-lasting use.

I highly recommend Emy but let’s hear from more pelvic floor Physical Therapists and see what they have to say!

A Pelvic floor Physical Therapist’s opinion about Emy

Finally, what matters most to me as a healthcare professional is the adaptability of the rehabilitation program.

With Emy, it is possible to customize biofeedback exercises for each of our patients. No more standardized programs with the same type of contractions for everyone.

This involves a personalized program designed by us and tailored to our patient. We, as rehabilitation specialists, plan the session: number of repetitions, type of contraction, rest, difficulty level… Just as we would in the clinic!

We can even include personalized instructions and relevant indications. As a result, we can monitor the patient’s progress at home. This allows us to use our time in the clinic for other types of work.

Learn more about Emy

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Free Pelvic floor guide

Find out how to strengthen your pelvic floor to prevent bladder weakness and improve intimate pleasure! 💥


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